Tekēhu's drunk misadventures in the Wild Mare.One example is that he bedded a Rauataian diplomat on the war room table, where she chided him for leaving his borders unprotected and he finished by crippling her when he fired a shot across her port side. Tekēhu's romance dialogue is filled with barely-veiled innuendo and bawdy humor.Your decision to fight them with a broom is so bizarre it effectively breaks their minds.
#Powderhouse pillars of eternity ii upgrade#
You can later upgrade it to cause confusion instead.
One of the weapons you can equip in Deadfire is the Street Sweeper, an enchanted broom wielded as a quarterstaff, one of its abilities is to cause distraction on a successful hit simply because the enemy can't believe you would do this. (chuckles) Almost made Aloth pee his pants! Modwyr: Iselmyr asked if she could buy me a drink - I said I only thirst for blood. Maia's romance can be this, as both her and the Watcher can be prone to snarking. These basic attacks are displayed as the small pig backflipping to hit its enemies (and this is, of course, even funnier if it manages to kill something). Mechanically, despite the name however, the target isn't completely helpless - while the spell's effect prevents the target from using abilities, it is still capable of performing basic attacks. Visually, it turns a kith target into a pig.
The Form of the Helpless Beast wizard spell has some unexpected comedy. The Watcher can reply that the merchant isn't their type, prompting a blush from the merchant and influence gains for party members with a snarky sense of humor. In Neketaka's Gutter, the Watcher can take on a quest to help with a plague - unfortunately, the medicine can only be obtained in the Black Market for an exorbitant price, though the merchant is also open to trading it for a "favor". Ilsemyr's just happy to find someone who "speaks proper". Edér's impressed they've found someone else who speaks with Ilsemyr's weird accent. When exploring a tomb under Neketaka, the party can come across an undead champion of Berath. Of all the base-game sidekicks, he's the only one with a dialogue tree, which includes gossiping about your friends. Rekke can be found floating on a piece of wood in the middle of the sea and he can't speak in any language you understand until one in-game month passes.